Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Welcome to my what I hope to be a wonderful blog full of variety and a place for me and others to express their opinions. However, as you can see in my fail of a description above that this will mainly be about a game I am featuring on my channel, The Elder Scrolls 4, Oblivion. If you happen to not know about it, you may recognize it's next installment, Skyrim. Sadly, this blog cant be about Oblivion forever. Everything has a beginning and an end, especially a human's interests. Even so, I don't plan on abandoning this game for a looong time from now!

Other things you may be interested in if you are not into games, I plan on posting random rants every so often. I try to keep them somewhat sophisticated, though a sophisticated rant to me sounds like an oxymoron. In any manner, I will try to be informative and provide proof, if needed, supporting my idea. As always, they WILL BE extremely biased, as any rant should be. You can feel free to express your opinions as well in the comments, though I ask that you keep it mature. I believe strong language is necessary to emphasize some things, but I wont be a hypocrite. If you follow my youtube channel you will see that I cuss a little more than i probably should!

Speaking of my youtube channel, I have a specific section for it, as you can see. It is basically going to be a lot about news for my channel, such as landmarks or upcoming achievements I am getting, or just about what you may have missed!

I am debating as I write this about whether or not I should make a page specifically for Oblivion or not. I expect that I will, but as for now, I have a characters page that will be dedicated to all my precious Oblivion creations.

One last thing, I have a page dedicated to my life. It will probably turn out to be my "online diary" and will share personal things about me. I might use it as a way to get things off my chest when I get stressed, but I would rather not do that! I may post a long blog about my life up until where I am now. You know, kind of like an autobiography.

I also have an anime section that I plan on posting many of the anime I have watched and keep track of new anime that I watch. If I come across screenshots I really like, I might just share them here ;)

I can guarantee that new pages on my blog will come (and old ones go? I hope not) and I will try to remember to make a descriptions of any new ones in this post. Anyways, I've kept you here long enough. Go! Explore my realm! I hope you enjoy your stay here! I may post miscellaneous topics on this page.

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